What we've done

With Over 15 years Experience in Digital Marketing, I.T, Sales and Business Leadership, you can be Sure we know what we are talking about.
Also, we have spent over 10,000,000 on ads for Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram e.t.c. You can be sure we know what works and what doesn’t. It means that you will be getting Powerful Strategies that will transform your business and career In no distant time. We have done all the hard work, so you don’t have to, and we will hand over to you every single secret we have learnt over the years.

About Us

We don’t just teach digital marketing. We practice and live in the digital marketing world. We have developed brands through digital marketing that have patronage and engagements with multinational brands like Jumia, Opay, Apple, Sony, Forbes. Our Students are trusted and have secured employment with big organizations like Facebook, Opera Mini. Andela etc.

We have a very experienced faculty that is drawn from different industries and this gives our students opportunities to learn from those who have hands-on experience managing brands in different industries both Multinationals and indigenous firm. We also have instructors that are vast in start-up. Who have started several businesses from scratch and have turned them to brands that generate revenues in hundreds of millions per annum.

Our faculties are drawn from individuals from IT/Digital marketing background, Finance/Digital marketing background, Healthcare/Digital marketing background, Education/Digital marketing background, Sales & Marketing/Digital Marketing background

With our local and global experience across Africa and Europe, you are assured that you will be learning from experienced hands who will share with you insights that will set you as a world class trained digital marketer

We have mastered the secrets of digital marketing and have seen students that have gone through digital marketing training in other institutions come back to be trained in our facility.

We have had 5 categories of students who have come to attend our classes. Some did digital marketing with institutions abroad but were not exposed to the hands on practical skills and so we were able to help such.

We also had some that paid higher fees learning in Nigeria but were unable to make success out of it. We were able to identify the gaps and help out such students. We also had those that paid lower fees than what we charge to other persons and after their time there, they had to come to our institution to acquire real digital marketing training. We have had students that had no knowledge of digital marketing and we were able to turn them to digital marketing consultants. We have also had students that thought they were digital marketers but when they gave us a try they realized that they were just beginners.

No matter the category you fall into, Premium digital marketing academy is a one stop digital training institution that will exceed your expectations and position you aright in the digital marketing industry.

What We Do

Our Tutors

we have highly qualified tutors with years of experience in their respective fields

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